About Me

About Me


About Me

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I’m a Product Designer with a background in sales and marketing. In my previous career, I longed to actually solve customer pain points instead of just triaging them. This drew me toward UX and Product Design, and I took the plunge into the field.

I’m currently at Amazon, driving the customer and seller vision for Product Information & Configuration of furniture and custom products for the Home & Lifestyle Innovation Team. I specialize in creating elegant and simple solutions for complex and technical problems, such as enabling customers to design a one-of-a-kind custom item, helping customers understand if a piece of furniture will physically fit in their space, or empowering our Handmade Artisans and Custom Sellers to leverage tools that will boost their efficiency and business goals. Previously, I owned the worldwide customer experience for Heavy-Bulky + Services.

When I’m not designing, you can find me reading thriller novels, cooking Mediterranean or Korean cuisine, listening to electronic music, going to the movies, and playing with my two cats. Say hello! ✌️

📈 Marketing > 🍻 Craft Beer > 🎨 Product Design > 📦 Amazon